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QR Gate opener

gate opener

Well, to start off gate openers are not supposed to be complicated. They are simple, easy-to-use and robust. Unfortunately the most common interface to gates are dialpads.

Dial pads are great simple hardare devices. Unfortunately they fall short in terms of connectivity and many gate companies have begun beefing up the simple dialpad with video/audio capability. This makes the interface clunky and increases the cost. However these features are absolutely necessary but there needs to be a simpler way.

I think the virtual dialpad is a great compromise in this area. All this requires is low cost hardware like the myQ liftmaster gateway. I designed my own based on the low cost ESP8266 chip.

A qr code is the only interface needed at the gate. Once a user scans the gate, a webapp with a virtual keypad appears and they can proceed to type in their gate code. I went a step further and integrated appleid authentication but developers can start integrated more services to control access.

I designed the board to have a reset switch and buzzer for UI purposes. Screen-Shot-2023-05-25-at-10-22-03-PM.png

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