shakey |||

Autonomous robots

The VLP-16 lidar consumes around 8 watts and gives pretty good pointclouds. So I decided to mount it on a small platform which could eventually be used as an autonomous delivery concept.



I used the standard ROS navigation stack. And I also tried out a completely camera based navigation stack based on end-to-end CNNs.

I continued to experimented with a bunch of different sensor suites and platforms during the entire summer.

I made a variant platform based on the Yujin Kobuki designed to work well indoors. It used the kinect for RGBD data instead of the lidar.



Up next LA Hackathon We won a hackathon! We had great burritos after too! We worked on a solution that allowed physical rehab patients adhere to exercises. We used Designing custom motor controllers I had a great conversation with the folks at AllMotion about how they design and market their motor controllers. They’ve been around the bay area
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